
Coat/ Dr Denim Pants/Marella Sneakers/Adidas Scarf/Pimkie Earrings/Primark Bag/Ultimate Collections
Imagine the iconic parisian girl. Messy hair, skinny figure, flared jeans and white shirt, always on the run. Is that what you thought of? But why does this girl seem to be so attractive to us? Is it her careless look that we all are jealous of? Sometimes, when I wake up and think about the look that I want to go for today, I imagine this girl. Living in Paris sometimes messes your mind up. Or, maybe, is that I just can't put my life perfectly together, that is the reason that I want to be like her. Scrolling the instagram feed of the perfect parisienne, I start wishing that my life looked like that. Is she that girl that I secretly wish to become? But then I realize that maybe, maybe I could never be like her? I might have the messy hair and red lips, but I'm too clumsy to be like her. I love bright, funny looking socks too much, and those are a thing that she would never wear. I may be wearing classy clothing and study fashion, but then by night I do burgers in my smelly uniform. And that is my life. And that is my reality. And you know what? I'm perfectly okay with that. Maybe in 10 years I will be like her. Maybe my full time job will be in fashion, I will have a nice flat that the dishes are always clean and maybe by then I will have my life perfectly put together. But now is not that time. Let me enjoy my poor student non-glamorous life in Paris. Even if it's not "parisian" at all.
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