Coat/Max&Co│Sweater/Zara│Boots/Quiz│Clutch bag/Kate Spade
Such a busy week! Spent 2 days in Riga with Nyx, met the famous @ilovesarahii - Karen! and omg, she's such a beautiful person inside and out! Loved her workshop, she was very friendly with all of us, bloggers and makeup artists, and answered all our questions. Watching her youtube I thought that she will be that pretty popular girl, but she's so nice and simple, loved loved loved meeting her. Ofc, I loved snowy Riga, spent amazing time here and big thanks goes to Nyx - they paid for our trip and hotel, so sweet of them! Nyx knows best how to work with bloggers!
On Thursday we were shooting for our school portraits, well, I looked not that great because I slept like 4 hours. But whatever, I don't care about anything that happens in school lol
In the evening Arune from Saint Style and I went to L'oreal Gold Obsession event at Materialiste night club in Vilnius, so we were travelling again. Great music and loved meeting other bloggers, as always! We got great gifts - I have already put it on my instagram story, but I'm sure I will be testing these products out and will tell you whether I liked them or not.
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