Italy: The first day

Coat; Sweater/ Benetton
Jeans/ Replay
Sneakers/ New Balance
Bracelet/ Shkertik
Bag/ La Tanneur
Sunglasses/ Missoni

I was in Rome for 4 days with my class so I will make few posts about that trip. This is my first day look and as you can see I have my own camel coat now!:D I bought it at Benetton week ago and it was on sale so I paid 40 euros only!  Also this cute cropped sweater was 50 % off.  And it matches my Shkertik bracelet which is a gift from my bestie. If you don't know Shkertik -  check them out.  It's  lithuanian brand and they make these bracelets in many colors, also you can choose it with your name or you can write whatever you want on it.


  1. Wow wow wow, labai geras derinukas! O tu pati kokia grazuole esi, negaliu!

  2. keista, kad tik dabar atradau tavo bloga! tiek daug puikiu outfit'u! <3
    ir sitas derinukas labai grazus :)
